Swiss Re anniversary: 160 years of evolving risk knowledge and expertise ▶1:19・
Swiss Re anniversary: 160 years of evolving risk knowledge and expertise ▶1:25・
Celebrating 160 years of reinsurance, reinvention, and resilience - Swiss Re ▶2:22・
Celebrating 160 years of reinsurance, reinvention, and resilience - Swiss Re ▶1:12・
Introducing Swiss Re Reinsurance Solutions ▶1:56・
Swiss Re: 160 years of navigating disasters, financial support and risk anticipation ▶40:24・
Swiss Re: 160 years of navigating disasters, financial support and risk anticipation ▶1:28・
Clients of Swiss Re: A retention management success story ▶3:10・
Swiss Re's forecast for 2024-25: risks on the rise as headwinds blow stronger ▶59:33・
Swiss Re's forecast for 2024-25: risks on the rise as headwinds blow stronger ▶4:20・
Swiss Re Institute: Connecting the dots, responding to risk ▶2:58・
Recruiting Journey at Swiss Re ▶3:09・
What is the future for underwriting? Insurance experts discuss ▶2:00・
Responsible AI: what it is and why it matters for Life & Health insurers ▶4:03・
Working in Business Services at Swiss Re in Slovakia ▶3:21・
Cash and Cost Operations at Swiss Re Bangalore ▶3:51・
Automated underwriting solution: Magnum Pure ▶3:07・
Graduates @ Swiss Re ▶3:37・
Swiss Re Bangalore: five things that make our new workplace amazing ▶2:51・
Welcome to Swiss Re Slovakia ▶2:47・
Life Guide: moving forward in life | Swiss Re ▶3:47・
Careers: Finance Reinsurance at Swiss Re Bangalore ▶1:10・
Swiss Re Business Solutions Centre, Bangalore ▶1:44・
Working in Finance at Swiss Re in Slovakia ▶1:37・
Working as ReInsurance Account Analyst at Swiss Re in Slovakia ▶0:54・
Graduate Programme 2021 in Bratislava – Motivation of Current Graduates ▶17:23・
Graduate Programme 2021 in Bratislava – Motivation of Current Graduates ▶2:16・
Working at Swiss Re – Michel ▶50:27・
Nick Szabo on bitcoin, blockchain and the benefits of smart contracts ▶1:23・
Swiss Re Sustainability Report 2021 ▶2:16・
Discover the Joint Risk Resilience Partnership with Swiss RE Institute | AXA Research Fund ▶4:49・
Discover the Joint Risk Resilience Partnership with Swiss RE Institute | AXA Research Fund ▶4:35・
Voices from around the world: Swiss Re's 150th anniversary ▶9:19・
Crop health and parametric insurance tracker: opti-crop ▶1:06・
Predictive maintenance & AI in manufacturing leads to new risk opportunities ▶2:47・
Predictive maintenance & AI in manufacturing leads to new risk opportunities ▶1:00:30・
Swiss Re Bangalore Value Proposition for Employees ▶44:38・
Climate change: Financing resilient energy infrastructure ▶3:15・
Boosting insurance inclusion can help re/insurers close persistent protection gaps ▶1:09・
Boosting insurance inclusion can help re/insurers close persistent protection gaps ▶1:52・
Net-zero emissions: do our best, remove the rest ▶20:52・
Economics of digitalisation in insurance – Part 1 ▶4:05・
Working at Swiss Re – Selina ▶2:09・
CatNet® | Swiss Re ▶0:37・
Introducing Swiss Re Corporate Solutions ▶2:19・
The digital future of re/insurance: tech partnership and diversity with Microsoft ▶3:39・
The digital future of re/insurance: tech partnership and diversity with Microsoft ▶32:38・
How the re/insurance industry can help power the energy transition ▶1:19・
Swiss Re’ s Magnum: An automated underwriting platform | Swiss Re ▶3:10・
Resilient cities: pathway to a more sustainable future ▶1:12・
Choose Swiss Re Corporate Solutions to lead an international programme ▶22:51・
Choose Swiss Re Corporate Solutions to lead an international programme ▶1:26・
What is a digital assistant? ▶1:51・
Swiss Re Video Interview Questions and Answers Practice ▶2:45・
Working in Asset Management at Swiss Re in Slovakia ▶41:56・
SwissRe Boosts Employee Experience and Productivity Powered by ServiceNow ▶3:02・
SwissRe Boosts Employee Experience and Productivity Powered by ServiceNow ▶22:10・
SwiftRe - the complete digital solution for facultative reinsurance business ▶1:23・
SwiftRe - the complete digital solution for facultative reinsurance business ▶12:11・
Take control of your risks with Risk Data & Services ▶1:25・
Swiss Re Bangalore Graduates Programme – Employees Speak ▶2:01・
Swiss Re's 100th anniversary: a day at our offices in 1963 ▶13:51・
Swiss Re at 160: Navigating the evolution of risks from 1863 to today ▶56:49・
Swiss Re at 160: Navigating the evolution of risks from 1863 to today ▶1:10・
Swiss Re culinary relay: employee becomes a chef for a day sharing Iranian cuisine ▶39:40・
Swiss Re culinary relay: employee becomes a chef for a day sharing Iranian cuisine ▶2:26・
Swiss Re collaborated with insuretech Zego to boost motor insurance ▶3:31・
Swiss Re collaborated with insuretech Zego to boost motor insurance ▶59:21・
How SwissRe Established a Center of Excellence to Maximize ROI ▶9:39・
Retirement lifeline: the USD 1.7 tn opportunity for life insurers in the private savings market ▶0:34・
Retirement lifeline: the USD 1.7 tn opportunity for life insurers in the private savings market ▶0:47・
US Flood Insurance ▶1:28・
The hidden risks of silent AI: what insurers need to know ▶56:10・
John Ioannidis: The role of bias in nutritional research ▶1:28・
Facts & figures | Swiss Re ▶1:50・
Longevity: what if you live to 100? ▶1:25・
What goes around, comes around: How to insure the circular economy ▶4:22・
Swiss Re Reinsurance Solutions is here to help insurers innovate, automate and boost efficiency ▶2:44・
Swiss Re Reinsurance Solutions is here to help insurers innovate, automate and boost efficiency ▶1:22・
Digital Transformation in the Insurance Industry at Swiss Re ▶1:25・
Our people | Swiss Re ▶2:19・
WEF 2023 highlights: collaboration to reach net-zero commitments ▶2:33・
Start your career in Finance at Swiss Re Slovakia ▶2:55・
Artificial sweeteners by Valisa Hedrick ▶11:02・
Urban planning & construction in Europe: is sustainability unrealistic? ▶5:06・
Urban planning & construction in Europe: is sustainability unrealistic? ▶3:01・
How Swiss Re's Life Guide can transform your underwriting process ▶2:17・
How Swiss Re's Life Guide can transform your underwriting process ▶1:24・
Supply chain resilience: how to mitigate weather-related impacts ▶1:49・
The power of different perspectives: Swiss Re's Inclusion Experience Journey ▶1:51・
The power of different perspectives: Swiss Re's Inclusion Experience Journey ▶4:29・
CatNet® data improves profitability for Golden Bear Insurance ▶3:17・
What do digital ecosystems mean for insurers? ▶3:03・
Partnering for Progress: WEF Alliance CEO Climate Leaders ▶2:03:46・
About us | Swiss re Corporate Solutions ▶1:32・
Radar satellite technology brings us closer to closing the protection gap ▶24:01・
How Swiss Re's Life & Health Reinsurance helps you move Forward in Life ▶1:39・
How Swiss Re's Life & Health Reinsurance helps you move Forward in Life ▶・
P&C Analytics – Translating data into insights | Swiss Re ▶・
Fiona Godlee: Closing comments and open discussion on the way forward ▶・
Fiona Godlee: Closing comments and open discussion on the way forward ▶・
Make a Change — advance your career at Swiss Re ▶・
What's your perspective? ▶・
Make an Impact — Swiss Re employees discuss how they impact society ▶・
Make an Impact — Swiss Re employees discuss how they impact society ▶・
Property Insights | Swiss Re ▶・
SwiftRe®: quick single-risk protection | Swiss Re ▶・
Insurance: Crop shortfall covers ▶・
Google Search Tricks : INURL command to find all the words within the URL ▶・
Google Search Tricks : INURL command to find all the words within the URL ▶・
We expect challenges as drones develop rapidly - Raffaello D'Andrea, ETH Zurich ▶・
We expect challenges as drones develop rapidly - Raffaello D'Andrea, ETH Zurich ▶・
Automated underwriting solution Magnum Go is now ready in Asia-Pacific ▶・
Automated underwriting solution Magnum Go is now ready in Asia-Pacific ▶・
AmTrust International's success: leveraging Swiss Re's expertise to drive profitable growth ▶・
AmTrust International's success: leveraging Swiss Re's expertise to drive profitable growth ▶・
Graduate Programme in Bratislava ▶・
Solar Impulse, Episode 6: The Point of No Return ▶・
Disruptors: Demystifying reinsurance and talent branding in India ▶・
Disruptors: Demystifying reinsurance and talent branding in India ▶・
How can insurers help mitigate risks in the AI age? ▶・
How digital assistants & AI will transform our lives ▶・
SwissRe, US Life & Health Americas - Neil Sprackling, President ▶・
Swiss Re Corporate Solutions: Advancing Corporate Insurance Together ▶・
Swiss Re Corporate Solutions: Advancing Corporate Insurance Together ▶・
Swiss Re: The partner you need to innovate, grow and rebuild ▶・
Flood – Can we re-think how we look at flood risk? ▶・
access webcams, security cams and network cams ▶・
Swiss Re: partnering for food security ▶・
Clients of Swiss Re: Inforce Solutions to tackle lapsation risk and improve customer experience ▶・
Clients of Swiss Re: Inforce Solutions to tackle lapsation risk and improve customer experience ▶・
Aligning insurance portfolios with the Paris Agreement ▶・
Swiss Re partners with risk-takers to shape the future of Property & Casualty insurance ▶・
Swiss Re partners with risk-takers to shape the future of Property & Casualty insurance ▶・
How to manage supply chain risks in a turbulent world: Insights from experts ▶・
How to manage supply chain risks in a turbulent world: Insights from experts ▶・
New calculator to improve underwriting of heart diseases ▶ >>次へNext
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